Accio disappointment! Our not-so-magical Harry Potter walking tour in London

Looking for the real-life magic of Harry Potter in London? We’ve got you covered! Except, maybe not in the way you think. Here’s our experience with a Harry Potter walking tour in London, what worked, what didn’t, and how to make the most of your own magical pilgrimage.

Did You Know? WB Studios Making of Harry Potter Tour is Epic!

Before we dive into our walkabout woes, let’s talk about what DID fulfill our Potterhead dreams: the WB Studios “Making of Harry Potter” tour in London! It was stupefying (in the best way possible). We’re already planning a repeat visit for our next London trip. You can check out our full experience (and a video!) in that post ( click here to read that post).

The Not-So-Fantastic Beasts of Walking Tours

Now, for the part that wasn’t quite as Expecto Patronum-worthy… We also used a walking app ( to explore some Harry Potter-themed walks around London. Spoiler alert (though, honestly, if you haven’t read the books or seen the movies by now, what are you waiting for?): we were a bit disillusioned.

We love this app for walks in other cities, but this particular Harry Potter walking tour fell short. In their defense, the app is generally helpful, even if a bit confusing at times (remember the bizarre Gothic Quarter route in Barcelona?). Here’s the thing: with a little pre-planning on our part, we could have avoided some disappointment.

two pictures of the alleys that were NOT inspiration for Harry Potter but included on the Harry Potter walking tour of london

Here’s what we learned the hard way about the Harry Potter walking tour, so you don’t have to:

  • Plan Ahead for the Perfect Potions Class (of Points of Interest): Not everything on the map is a magical gem. Number 10 Downing Street? Turns out you can’t even see the door from the street anymore, and it wasn’t even in the movies! More like a filler point than a filmic location.
  • Don’t Be a Muggle Tourist: Map It Out: Don’t blindly follow the map. Westminster Underground station (where Arthur Weasley wrestled with the turnstiles) looks like any other tube station. Piccadilly Circus? Sure, it’s an iconic landmark, but the scene was filmed elsewhere, and in the books, they Apparated to Tottenham Court Road, not Piccadilly.
  • Separate Fact from Fiction: Double-check those “Harry Potter connections.” The House of Mina Lima was supposed to have a “gorgeous Harry Potter exhibition,” but they’ve moved. Still part of the HP universe, just not where the walking tour guides you to. The Leaky Cauldron on Charing Cross Road? Not a thing. Cecile Court being the “inspiration” for Diagon Alley? Apparently J.K. Rowling herself begs to differ.
  • A Pinch of Skepticism is Wizarding Wisdom: Goodwin’s Court being “reminiscent of Diagon Alley”? More Knockturn Alley vibes, if you ask us. The point is, there are tons of similar little streets in London.
  • Sometimes Movie Magic is Just Movie Magic: Some liberties are artistic, not factual. Australia House as the inspiration for Gringotts? A bit of a stretch. Leadenhall Market supposedly containing the Leaky Cauldron doorway? It’s been remodeled and looks nothing like it did in the films.

The Real Magic of London Walking Tours

The good news? London itself is magical! We saw some truly impressive landmarks:

picture of the Millennium Bridge - part of the Harry Potter walking tour in London

Lesson learned? When it comes to movie-themed walks, do your research! While we saw some cool stuff in London, very little of it actually connected to the Potterverse. The takeaway? Explore, but explore wisely!

P.S. We did see tons of other amazing things that day, completely unrelated to Harry Potter. Maybe on the blog next time!

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