Affordable Full-Time Travel: Our First-Year Budget and Expenses
Greetings, ola, howdy, bienvideo, buenos dias, ni hau, shalom. We are Jeff and Sandra, in 2022, we made the bold decision to move abroad, though we weren’t sure…
Greetings, ola, howdy, bienvideo, buenos dias, ni hau, shalom. We are Jeff and Sandra, in 2022, we made the bold decision to move abroad, though we weren’t sure…
Traveling full-time is exciting, but let’s be real—it’s also a juggling act of logistics, language barriers, and budgets. Thankfully, a few trusty apps have become our secret weapons….
Totally stoked, my TheMobileRetiree hats just arrived !! Although I’ll admit to some confusion about the label – “Organic Baseball Cap” <?> So, they were raised on natural…